Sunday, 14 October 2012

The child is part of the family and the family, in turn, is part of the community. We work for the children,   their   families,   and   their   communities   as   well   as they  are   interdependent   where development is concerned. Community development as a part  of Education sponsorship covers various activities for the community in general, within our framework. The activities differ according to  the  location  of  the  project.  As  in slums,  since  the  government  takes  care  of  the  civic infrastructure, we focus more on the strengthening CBOs like Self Help Groups of the women and youths,  whereas  in  the rural  and  tribal  areas  along  with  the  strengthening  of  CBOs  we  do infrastructural development work, such as building new houses, repair of old houses, constructing community  center,  providing  sanitary  facilities,  water  facilities, providing  solar  street  lamps  and solar  lanterns,  arranging  awareness  session on  addictions,  education,  community  rights,  etc. Children’s Future India with the help of Donors in Norway has constructed 1206 new houses for tribal  and  rural  people,  and has  repaired  109  houses,  CFI  even  constructed  more  than  1000 sanitary blocks in different villages, CFI provided 10 bore wells and 3 wells in different villages.

Development in Varvane Katkarwadi

Children’s Future India and Indias Barn (CFI/IB) are working in Varvane Katkarwadi and around areas through the sponsorship program. Varvane Katkarwadi is a tribal community placed in the hilly areas, where the people from the vulnerable section live. These people struggle for their daily meals. Due to illiteracy, they could not get white-collar jobs. The villagers were living in miserable housing  conditions.  The  villagers  always  requested Children’s  Future  India  (CFI)  for  the  village development like the other surrounding villages. As a first step, CFI/IB took 23 children in the year 2015  for  sponsorship  from this  village.  During  the  visit  Norwegian  visitors,  they  noticed  the miserable condition of the village. The villagers told their needs for the village and how they are apart  from  the  basic  necessities  i.e.  house  and  water.  and  Indias  Barn  (IB)  took  note  of  it  and made  efforts  to  collect  the  money  for  the  village.  With  the  collected  money  from  the  donors  in Norway the following development is carried out in the village since the year 2016

  • 3 public toilets are built to stop the open defecation and maintain hygienic conditions in the village.
  • The water pipeline in the village is repaired to get the water to the taps at their doorstep.
  • The big water tank with a capacity of 13000 litres is constructed ensuring the stock of water in the village.
  • A community hall is built in the village giving the villagers a safe and common place to meet together and have a discussion, to celebrate the festivals together.
  • Villagers are advocated regarding the various government schemes continuously so that the villagers get the benefit of the free government schemes for their development.
  • 13 new houses are built in place of huts giving safe shelter to 13 poor families
  • 49 houses are repaired to keep the inhabitants safe from collapsing houses in the heavy rains.
  • Income generation training is provided to the villagers giving them new income sources.
  • 6 families are supported for the home-based poultry farm and 2 for goat rearing.
  • 6 solar street lamps are placed in the village giving lights at night free of cost and thereby giving safety from the reptiles.
  • 70 families are given solar lanterns to enlighten their houses.
  • Cleanliness habits are inculcated through the awareness camps, role plays, training of the soak pits, providing hygiene kits, and demonstration of the use of the toiletries for cleanliness.
  • Conservation of the environment is imbibed through plantation drive, showing video films, role play.
  • Awareness of the ill effects of addiction, superstitious ness was focused in the group as well in person.
  • The health post was established for the benefit of the villagers to get the medicines for general illnesses in the village itself.
  • 26 children are sponsored and get all the required educational material and the support to continue their education.
  • Apart from the sponsored children, the non-sponsored children are supported to continue their education.
  • The coaching class is started in the village for the personalized guidance of the children to improve their academic performance.

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